Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Re-boot. A simple word with so many meanings.
According to it means to restart - as in restarting your computer. But for me, it means new beginnings. Not that I want to erase the past, because it is through our trials, successes and failures that we learn and grow.

2014 is the year for me to reboot. These are NOT resolutions - I am pushing the restart button. I turn 50 this year... YIKES - and I want to be healthier by May 25.

1) I have struggled with Systemic Lupus for over 15 years, perhaps longer. I have tried pretty much everything offered by modern medicine - prednisone, methotrexate, anti-malarial drugs, anti-inflammatories, etc. Honestly, I am done! None of these medicines will cure this disease, there is no cure. They are only meant to control. Well, there are other ways to control my symptoms, therefore, unless my condition becomes life threatening, I am not taking any of the above listed meds again. It is time to explore alternative therapies - accupressure, acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy, essential oils, massage therapy, nutrition, exercise, meditation, yoga....  

I am tired of looking and feeling like I do and I am the only one who can make the necessary changes to look and feel better.

2) I am a sugar addict. They say the first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem - I am a sugar addict. And processed sugar is not good for our bodies.

3) I firmly believe that we are what we eat - and when the foods we are eating are laden with chemicals, additives, steriods, & antibiotics AND genetically modified - how will our bodies respond? 

5) Exercise - enough said

6) Read my bible, devotionals and books that will help me stay on track

7) Although this isn't the point of my blog, I will probably mention it here and there. I have recently completed the teaching credential program and will be taking the CBEST in February. It is time to get back into the classroom. When my program was cut 10 years ago I thought teaching was behind me. I tried lots of other 'careers', but teaching is what I love.

Throughout 2014 I am going to blog about my adventures with alternative therapies and nutritional adventures. I am going to scour the internet for articles about nutrition, foods, alternative therapies, etc. and write about it.  I might even plant an edible garden! (for those who know me, you know this is a big deal because I don't like gardening and weeding makes me cranky!)

 I hope you will find the info I write about interesting and at times possibly comical. With any luck we will all be healthier by the end of 2014. And by following my adventures you will help to keep me accountable - Lord knows I need it because it is easier to be lazy when no one is watching.

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. I'll be following you. (I have a blog, too.) I think that writing is such a good way of connecting the dots for many of us. I wish you well on this journey and I wish you good health. As you know, meditation and yoga have been very beneficial for me in keeping the flares down from fibromyalgia and have helped with my scoliosis and spondylolisthesis. I hope you find what helps you improve, too.
